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Nancy, Lorraine, France

Whilst we we staying at Liverdun one day we took the train into Nancy. The main station is only a 10 minute walk to the old town which is UNESCO World Heritage site and you can see why.

The main square, Place Stanislas, has a statue of Stanislas in the centre (surprisingly) and around the square enclosed by huge gilt gates on two side and fountains on the other two you can find the Town Hall, the Opera House and the Museum of Fine Arts.

There he is with the Hotel de Ville behind him
The Opera House (left) and Royal Hotel (right)
The Opera House, look at those lamp posts
One of the guilded fountains
Close up of the centre fountain
the smaller fountain on the left
Nancy’s own Arc de Triumphe

Built in the mid 1750’s to honour Louis XV

Place de la Carriere

A linden tree fringed square, once a riding and jousting arena

How much gilt! Must have cost a fortune!

It has stately rococco gates in gilded wrought iron (says the guide book)

and at the end, Place Saint-Epvre
One of the city gates
Side view

At first we thought this statue was of Joan of Ark but it turned out to be to be Baron somebody or other. However, we did find her just down the road

Couldn’t come to Nancy and not see a representation of a French superhero, especially as she was born here.

We visited the Musee des Baux-Arts which has pictures from Rubens, Picasso (out on loan) and Caravaggio. There were a lot of depictions of Christ – alive, dieing, dead and returned.

This one caught my eye

It’s not by anyone famous (well not anyone I’d heard of) I just liked the expression the artist had captured.

The modern stuff was more to my liking. Had to stop and look twice at this picture.

It was entitled Waiting for Godot

At first I thought it was a mirror or a reflection, then I realised the artist had painted the view from almost where I was standing. Brilliant.

There was also an installation called The Light Box. From the outside just four white walls with a door, you opened the door and walked onto a pontoon type platform surrounded by water, the walls and back of the door were all mirrored. Hanging all around you were small coloured light bulbs on cords of varying lengths.

You just had to turn around to appreciate it.

As I’m such a fan of fairy lights, it was heavenly.

Another piece that caught my eye were these wine glasses. How precise do you have to be to etch these images out of soot on the inside of the glasses? Amazing.

We had a lovely lunch on the square but because we’d already booked our train back to Liverdun time was limited so we didn’t get to explore the Art Nouveau area of the city or visit Villa Majorelle. We said we’d go back the next Monday but it was a bank holiday so everywhere was closed. Hey ho, maybe next time we’re around here. (if ever 🙄

Off tto Besancon next.

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